Mon 27 Jan
Let Me Relax You - Call Me - in & out available located near 38th ave - 29
(38 th for ins or wherever U R)
HighlY Reviewed!! *SEXY SwEEt!! I'm Simply the BEST!!! *** GuranteeD - 24
(Phx North, PHOENIX/ Valley wide)
Here 2day gone 2moro avoid the sorrow **** 801-360-4062***** pref.text - 36
(Central/South Phoenix, Dwtwn Mesa)
LATE NIGHT SPECIAL hot & ready !!! Call me now ! after game specials ♥♥♥ - 20
(Denver, denver, aurora)
Let Me Give You The LOVE You Need And Want In Your Life..... Incalls and Outcalls - 22
He£l0 There;ℊℯηℸℓℯღαη💛💛 [[✔Bl0NDE🔹 ✔BlUE*EYED🔹 ✔PETiTE ||*°B0MB$HEll!◀◀] 💎•💯℅ Real && ReAd¥ 💎 - 21
(Phoenix, Phx North)
HIGHLY REVIEWED!!! Come see why. SpEcIaLs...TiLL 2pm OnLy....Big BooTy KrYsTaL..BBW 50QV - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, i17 exit 7th st (7th st n Mohave))
Last Day In Denver-Lauren 36F Very Busty! - 41
(City of Denver, Denver, Downtown, Cherry Creek, DTC, Boulder)
☆[ Highly Reviewed ]☆ ❤ ❤TONS of T!ts & @ss ❤ ❤$120 per UNRUSHED 1/2 Hr! »»Tall Blonde GND - 24
(Chandler Upscale Incall & Outcall, East Valley, Phoenix)
👑💎Leaving 2Maro💎 👑💎DONT MISS OUT Come See My FREAKY UNLIMITED Specials💎👑 - 26
(Denver, 225 and illiff incall only)
Happy Friday Ready to Rock your world incalls - 23
(east Phoenix incalls/outcalls, East Valley, Phoenix)
_________ H-O-T___ B-L-O-N-D-E __ C-O-L-L-E-G-E __ F-R-E-A-K ___________ - 23
(Phoenix Biltmore - Mine/Yours)
hello fellas let's hang out and have some fun tonite!! ready when you are!!!! I/C &O;/c SPECIALS!!!!! - 36
(Phx North, North Phoenix)
¤¤¤ L ~ O ~ O ~ K ! ! ! ¤¤¤ 24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ C a R a M e L - 27
(Aurora, Colfax and sable, Denver)
Happy Thanksgiving! HUGE BOOBS Busty Blond All natural 44ddd HUGE BOOBS Gorgeous BUSTY outcall - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, OUTCALL EVERYWHERE)
Gorgeous Sweet & Really t! xoxoxo &Picts; R 100% ME* - 19
(Phx North, near Villa Linda/ Scottsdale/1o1 Shea)
🎩HaPpY FaThErS DAy🎩TrEat YoUrSelf PiNk JuIcy $60 SpEciAls🎩DDs ItlIan PlAymAte🎩 - 29
(East Valley, Phoenix, 🎩Mesa incall 🎩 Outcall 🎩)
*** ☑ Guaranteed Pleasure! ... BUSTY MYA ((40DD)) ... AVALIABLE NOW ... Specials*** - 20
LAST ** DAY _____ **** H E R E **** ==== **** -_______ - STOP - ________ - AND - ________ - LOOK - -
H I G H L Y♥ ஐ A D D I C T I N Gஐ ♥ T E M P T R E S S - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, TEMPE In & OutCalls)
☆ ☆ ☆LAST DAY IN TOWN ☆ ☆ ☆N E W (( HOT ASIAN )) ☆ ☆ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! SPECIALS ☆ ☆ ☆ - 24
(Denver South, DTC incalls only ( I - 25 & ARAPAHOE ))
Happy HUMPDAY, feel like humping a HOT MILF today? This HOT MILF TIna is available - 111
(West Valley, 51st Ave and Northern(private loc))
{ L ~ O ~ O ~ K } 24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16m * $$ 60 $$ 22m }} ~*~ ^Everything^ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 27
(Denver, GREEN VALLEY RANCH Denver co.)
Just arrived BUStY Freak ▇♥▇Exotic & sexy ▇♥▇ Erotic ▇♥▇ GiRL NEXT DOOR ▇♥▇ Fetish Friendly - 23
(Denver, AURORA ILIFF & 225📞 Leaving Specials)
↬✦L00K💋 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ δe∂uctive 👉A∂∂ictive Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ Camilla - 22
(City of Denver, City of Denver, Denver, Denver and Surro, Denver)
{ L ~ O ~ O ~ K } 24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16m * $$ 60 $$ 22m }} ~*~ ''EVERYTHING'' G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 27
(Denver, GREEN VALLEY RANCH Denver co.)
Gorgeous Blonde Playmate // Beautiful Angel - 21
(Phx North, bltmre, scttsdle/tmp, phx, chndlr/glbrt)
❤ *¨`* Juicy Lips, Soft Hands, Hard Body, N Down right N@uGhTy*¨`* ❤ - 25
(Denver, Incalls And Outcalls)
It's NOT just a haircut, or boyz shaved, or back MANSCAPED, its a whole lot more150 - 46
(Denver, cherry creek leetsdale dr.)
Introducing Super Hot Flawless Blonde Bombshell !! 36d22-36 fit :) with Real Pics !! Must See - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, Golden, Highlands Ranch, your place)
C(o)m3 l3T m3 ***** 5 StAr SeRvIcE 5 StAr pRoViDeR **** SPECIALS - 24
(Camelback and i 17 incall specials)
👅👅🌹🌹Curvy latina New Pic🌹🌹 👅👅hotttt Caribbean Out call💋👅🌹💸🙈 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Tucson, Valley wide, West Valley)
♥ H O T ☆ ♥ I N S / O U T S ☆ T O D A Y ♥ - 22
(Denver, --->CHERRY CREEK INCALL<--)
$$hhh... ~-~-> *} LeT mY bOdY dO tHe TaLkInG+~*}} ALL pics 100% REAL&RECENT; or $$ Back GUARANTEED!! - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, In or Out avail)
HiGhLy ReCoMmended..:-) $0 ¢lIcK HeRe :-) Italian Hottie can make your DREAMS come through! - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen)
___Great Rates __ **** TAKE A BREAK WITH "CODIE" **** ___ holiday rates ___ - 29
(central discreet xxxcesible)
~*~*~ Great Rates You Wont Wanna Miss 100 in /outcall special ~*~ - 33
(Denver, lakewood arvada aurora/ 225 & parker rd)
GORGEOUS NEW GIRL! + Fun, Sexy & Friendly + Perfect 10 Body! + DANICA - 23
Drive U Wild (& up) the TEMPERATURE is 500 DEGREES and RISING, but the party,s just BEGINNING! - 2 - 27
(killeen/temple/harker heights)
♥~^~ CHECK ~^~ OUT♥MY ~^~ LUNCH ~^~ SPECIALS ~^~♥~^ - LIMITED TIME OFFER - - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
CURVY ✴playmate✴in & out call⬇MIXED EBONY✅👅ENJOY your SELF 👅🌟LAYLA🌟 - 24
(Phx North, call& outcall..specials)
** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** CURVY ** ~ ** BLONDE ** ~ ** BOMBSHELL ** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** - 24
(Phoenix In/Out - Specials All Night !)
come enjoy pure ecta$y in the hands of this angel named lexie! ill be waiting! - 39
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
Caramel treat,100% rEal PiCS No bAit & swiTcH ErotiC Mixed uPsCAlE VixEn SundaySpecials 832-887-4082 - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 190& Trimmer)
: ★: BLoNdE : ★: UnRuSheD sExY : ★: NoW!! : ★: - - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, kileen/temple/fort hood)
💦💦💦GooD moRoniNg HaRd ON 💦💦💦 - 30
(Centennial, City of Denver, Denver, DTC in call/ out calls available, Englewood)
**New In Town** Sweet tasty hunni... come have a taste :)) - 21
(San Marcos, new braunfels/san marcos)